Monday, April 16, 2007

Stupid and Addictive Red Dots

I'm in a writing mood! I just thought I'd admit to the world how shallow I am when it comes to my blog. No, I'm not shallow about what I write, but about that stupid map at the top of the page! For a while, I was having a close competition with my boyfriend about who had more viewings... sad, I know! But then he got busy and stopped writing so the competition wasn't fun any more. But that didn't stop my obsession with knowing from what states and countries people are viewing my blog from! I have no idea why it's so facinating, but it is! I have some pretty cool locations, but I can't help but wish I had more! What is wrong with me? They're stupid red dots! I'm sure, deep down, I have a sense of jealousy that those people are there in exotic countries and I'm not. Oh well, at least I've admitted I have a problem... that's the first step, right?


David said...

I check mine everyday. hehe

Unknown said...

i've had to go into dot therapy - my dream of a global empire of red dots has been now been addressed in extensive therapy :)

i think that a world map with little x's is the way forward now :)