Friday, May 23, 2008

"All By Myself"

Pathways, my church, has started a series titled "Friends with Benefits." No, it's not about that... It's about the benefits that friendships and relationships bring to someone and how absolutely essential they are to someone's life and well-being.
This week's topic was loneliness. I can honestly I have experienced my fair share of loneliness because of a lack of friends. I have spent my entire life having friends for a period of time, and then for one reason or another, I end up back at square one. And continuing to experience that feeling makes each time that much lonelier than the last.
It's been difficult for me over these last few months because, well, Michael and I got married and moved to a new area. We know our landlords (the woman married us), but that's about it. We've made friends at our church through the young marrieds group, but those friendships are struggling. There are numerous, complicated reasons for different people acting and reacting the way they do and why Michael and I end up as the initiators with every friendship we find ourselves in. How do people not end up calling one another? How does it fall on certain people? Are the only friendships worth pursuing and growing the ones that show mutual interest and initiation? Do people just "click"? Is that the only way you know that they'll be good/healthy friendships? And how quickly do you delve into a friendship? Can you just create it overnight or does it have to take a lot of time to really get to know them and to know what kind of people/person they really are? Because if you click, wouldn't you assume that you'd be good friends? Or is that too shallow of a point of view of it?
These thoughts have been running through my head since Sunday and really bugs me that the topic of loneliness struck me so deep to the core. Honestly, it wasn't that great of a sermon and didn't really teach me anything new, but it did stir up those emotions to get me motivated to do something about it-- call a friend to get together for lunch, attend the knitting club, plan a get-together with a different friend/acquaintance. But as a side note, it just really bugs me that the purpose of the young marrieds group was to make friends, but no one seems to have the time or motivation to do so... irritating. Anyway, I have been praying a lot about this and keep hoping that God will bring the right people into Michael's and my life. To find friends like my parents have-- they've had the same friends since about the time I was born (I'm 22). Where are these kinds of people? How do you find them?
Well, we'll see how life goes. I attended a knitting club last night and it was a fun time! A very diverse group of women, but very interesting and lively conversation! So we'll see what comes from that! And continuing to invest in the friendships I already have and try to strengthen and grow those friendships. What an exhausting feat!


Anonymous said...

Also-you may want to check your profile-you are still a student!

Anonymous said...

I don't think i saved my first comment so let me say again-i got waaaayyyy behind in reading your blogs and took time to read these today. i am very proud of the way you can express yourself and it is helpful for me to see how deeply some things affect you and how some things make you laugh.You are awesome and i am proud to be your dad. Love you.

Unknown said...

I think i have said before that I know exactly where you are coming from, what you say reflects a lot of my experience too.

I'm still struggling nearly 2 yrs after moving, i have a couple of really good friends which is great, part of the reason they are so good is that we able to be very honest with each other and share a lot in common. It still takes a lot of effort though.

I think part of the problem is that friendships seem transient, how often do i see folks? maybe once in awhile to hang with them. Then people are always moving away for a whole variety of reasons, career etc takes hold.

It can often seem that a relationship is a matter of convenience in a holding pattern until you or they have to move on.

How often do we do something that really binds us together - i've had the pleasure of going on a mission trip to africa and seeing teams come back from other missions and that experience has brought them together in a way that makes friends for life.

Maybe that is the answer, not just gather for dinner or a casual chat but do stuff that scares the shit out of you together, takes you out of your comfort zone together, that gives on-going time and shared adventure?

Either that or sign an "i will not move pact" ;)

Kate said...

Dad-- Thanks for pointing that out! And I love you too!

Paul-- I totally know what you mean. It is really difficult maintaining good friendships/relationships with people, especially when you don't see them that often. I've heard that having "life experiences" is what really binds people together. But what does that look like? Do you have to go on missions trips or have kids for that to be possible? Or is just experiencing life and taking the time out of your life to spend with people enough? To come alongside people during good times and bad, to support them and encourage them in everything-- to laugh and cry together. I guess it's easier when you have a tangible experience, like a missions trip, to form those friendships. I just don't know where the "line" is when you're living your normal life. But I guess that's the point of life, to get out of your comfort zone and encourage others to do the same. And by doing that, it will bring you closer together.
Oh, I went to a bbq this last week with a bunch of couples from our young marrieds group, and one of the guys asked, "so who's planning on staying here or moving? Cuz I want to know so I can be prepared for any of you to move." As you said, he essentially asked for a "I will not move pact." Surprisingly, a lot of those people said they were staying-- one guy is getting licensed for law (taking his bar exam) which is only good in the state you get qualified in, so they're not moving, and other people had other things that were going to be keeping them around-- encouraging, but you never know where life will take people. So hopefully this summer will be good in regards to building quality friendships-- one where we are stretched and shoved out of our comfort zones together! I hope the same happens for you, too!