Friday, June 20, 2008

The Smores Are Calling Out to Me

So I have to vent a little. This weekend is the young marrieds camping trip and we can't go! Camping is one of the best things in the world and we have to miss it. We're celebrating Michael's step-father, Jerry's, birthday this weekend at a big party Michael's mom and Jerry's mom are hosting. Don't get me wrong, I love parties, especially birthday parties because it's a day to celebrate someone!
So of course, the camping trip had to fall on the same weekend, out of the entire summer, that we had something planned-- we've known about the party and the date of the party for at least 2 months, so there was no getting out of it. All of our friends are going and I really wish we could go. Another couple from the group can't go and they said that they'll coordinate another trip later in the summer... needless to say, I'm going to make sure that happens! Oh, and on top of missing this camping trip, my parents invited us to go camping with them next weekend and my friend is having a bachelorette party that weekend, another party I've known about for months... I guess I'm just destined to not go camping... I'm sure both parties will be a blast, but I still wish I could go camping... mmm... smores...

1 comment:

Michael said...

We could pitch a tent in the front yard!! Urban camping!!