I Will Miss....
It's getting down to the wire. I have only one paper to finish (I'm doing this instead of writing my conclusion...) and one more final on Thursday and I am home free! I will become a college graduate on Friday at 7:30pm! I can't wait!
But, before that happens, I have to finish my paper, take my test, and finish packing up my room to move home. I also need to say my last goodbyes to people, who I know I'll see again but definitely not half as much when I move. That's probably the hardest part. I'm excited to move and get on with the next phase of life, but that means leaving part of my past behind. I'm no longer a student (so when it asks for an occupation, which box do I check? I've been marking "student" for the last 16 years!). I don't have to go to class, take tests, write papers... wait, why am I sad to leave that? Well, I don't get a 3 month summer break, a 4-week winter break, or spring break... I will miss that... maybe I want to be a teacher-- hahahaha that's funny! NO WAY!
But the friendships I've made with people up in Fort Collins have been the best I could have ever asked for. They all helped shape me and mold me into the woman I am today. I have had friends (and roommates) come and go, but some have stuck around all 3 1/2 years.
So here is my shout-out to those friends who I will miss greatly and forever treasure:
My friend, and two-year roommate, Holly, has been a greater blessing to me than I could have ever imagined. We've had our ups and downs, as true friendships should, but through it all she has been there for me and I value her friendship so highly. She loves me for me and even though we can be so different we are so much the same. We love to laugh and talk, and I will miss our late-night chats in the bathroom after we've long been finished getting ready for bed. Thankfully she is moving to Denver as well after she graduates in May so I will hopefully get to see her more!
As most of you who read my blog also read David and Makeesha Fisher's blogs, you'll know who I'm talking about! They have been the best of friends to me and Michael. For me, they were the ones who helped me find my own faith and my own voice about what I believed. They believed in me and encouraged me to be all that I can and will be. It's crazy to think about that I've known them for 2 1/2 years! We have been through so much and we have been there for each other through it all. I would not be the strong woman I am today if it was not for the help and prayer and encouragement of Makeesha. I will miss coming over to knit and watch "Psych" or "Numbers" on a lazy afternoon! I will especially miss that you are just a short bike ride away! I love you guys!
And of course, I can't forget my sister who is also at CSU. It has been an awesome experience being at the same school with her and watching her develop into the woman she is becoming. I will miss our sister days like crazy! When LOST comes back on, I will feel lost (hehehe) without her sitting right next to me! I will no longer be able to go over to her house every Monday to sit and distract her when she's trying to do her homework, and she wont come over every Wednesday to do her laundry. She is my best friend and knows me better than anyone! I will miss her laugh (for those of you who have never heard it, you're missing out on the most contagious and fun laugh ever!) and her insights and her loving, graceful, beautiful heart. I'm actually excited we get to spend all of Christmas break together before we have to part ways.
And last but not least is my life-long friend, Ali. We have been friends since we were 2 years old and we came to CSU and we have continued our friendship over these last few years. We know each other so well and can tell each other anything. I will miss hanging out with her and laughing and spending time with her! I will really miss her when she moves to Virginia after she gets married this summer!!! It will be so weird not having her nearby!
As well as people, I will also miss a few other things in Fort Collins:
- The endless variety of independent coffee shops, including one that's open 24 hours!
- Old Town
- Pizza delivery until 3am
- The small-town feel
- The laid-back feel
- How environmentally conscious everyone is
- Local breweries at every turn
- Independently owned stores all over the place
- Barista-ing at Everyday Joes
- And the whole experience and feel of being in Fort Collins... it's truly a relaxing, happy feeling!
Because I listed the things and people that I will miss, I thought it would be appropriate to list what I will not miss:
- the train that runs through the middle of town, blowing the horn so loud you can hear it miles away
- finals
- everything having to do with school... except for the learning part-- if only I went to a school where tests and papers didn't exist!
- Geese everywhere
- Campus traffic
- Stupid bikers
- Stupid pedestrians
- Did I mention the train? Cuz I hate the train!
Well, that's all I can think of for now. I'm excited to move, but as you can see, I am leaving behind a lot of awesome, great, wonderful people and experiences! Good-bye Fort Collins, I love you!
1 comment:
it's been so weird without you guys around for the last few months and it seems even stranger to think about you now being really truly "gone". I know you're only in Denver but as we've already realized, it's hard to keep that space in life to maintain a strong friendship even just an hour away. But my prayer is that the time we have had together has laid a foundation that will remain. Even if it's years down the road that we will be able to pick up where we left off. God's blessings to you both as you forge onward in life. We are so proud of you and so happy that we had the time together that we did. we love you and will miss you.
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