I don't have a gazillion years of experience in anything!
I'm having a life-crisis. Now that moving is over (thank God!) I no longer have an excuse to not be thinking about and looking for a future job. And when I say job, I mean career. I graduate in December and I have yet to find any sort of direction in my life about what I want to do. Do I want to do this? Or that? Go here? Or there? The biggest issue is that I have no idea what I even want to do. I'm qualified to do social service stuff... and usually that requires a masters degree (ICK!) or a gazillion years of experience. I'm not even sure if I want to stay in that field. But if not, what do I do?? Anyone got a job they just want to hand to me and make this process a heck of a lot easier? No? Well, that's life. It's time to grow up. This is not what I thought it would be when I dreamed of being a "grown up."
i hated that 'what to do' after college thang. it's weird how the world works - i ended up as an accountant - now how the hell did that happen? Then again it's been a fun adventure along the way, so maybe God knows what he's doing...
That's what I keep hoping... But it doesn't help that I have no idea what I want to do or what interests me. Oh well. I have a few months yet to figure out where to start! Thanks for the encouragement!
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