Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sex Sells Coffee... And It Makes Me Sick!

During my brief moments of down-time during my job, I have been able to get through my blog reader daily! It's quite an accomplishment! With that, I have been able to sit and actually read a bunch of the blogs that I subscribe to rather than just mark them all as read because I don't have time to read all 153 of them (this is after days or weeks of not reading any blogs).
All that to say, I have found a blog post that made me want to fly to Washington state and burn down a couple buildings. It then linked to a newspaper article that explained more about the issue that was extremely helpful in understanding both sides-- why the coffee shops do it, and the response of those who disagree.
The topic: there have been more and more coffee shops that have started employing young girls/women to work as baristas wearing bikinis... even just writing that makes my up-chuck reflexes activate. Some coffee shops that have seen their sales go down have jumped on the bandwagon (no pun intended) and exploited their female employees to the same discrimination. The sickest thing I read was one owner, "Wheeler, who said he employs his own 17-year-old daughter at a stand, doesn't understand what the fuss is about." I'm sorry, that's your teenage daughter that you're teaching to exploit her body to make a few extra bucks making coffee. What kind of impact is that going to make on her later in life? The article compared the business model to that of Hooters. Well, since they do it, I guess it's okay.
Just like many people who object to the business practices, I wondered how what they are wearing, or not wearing, can be legal or sanitary. Well, here's what the article said:

Gainza got a jolt a few weeks ago while stuck in traffic on Highway 99. She spotted a barista with bright blue stickers strategically placed on her chest standing at a stand's drive-up window.

As long as genitals and nipples are covered, police say the stands do not violate indecent exposure laws. Health officials and state Labor and Industries officials say there are no clothing requirements for baristas.
No clothing requirements for baristas? That seems like a huge loop-hole, doesn't it? That rule, or lack thereof, seems to be asking for this kind of thing to happen.
The other thing that breaks my heart even more, is that there are enough girls out there who are willing to exploit their bodies, and think nothing of it. How could they truly have good self-esteem and a good self image if they are subjecting themselves to the perverts who come through the shop? In the article, it said that at other coffee shops, they "saw our male clientele dwindle to next to nothing." So I'm assuming women aren't flocking to a titti-bar to get a cup of coffee. My heart goes out to the girls who work there and really resent their owners/managers. One manager said
Carrie Smith, owner of the Mocha Boat in Lynnwood, said she switched themes six months ago after a competing stand hired young women to stand on the corner with pasties and tight shorts.

Business tripled after her employees started wearing more revealing outfits, she said.

"We had to close the stand or roll with it," Smith said. "I sold my soul for a dollar."
They are furthering the exploitation and objectification of women instead of taking a stand against it, saying "I love myself and my employees too much to allow myself and them to be objectified like that." Instead, girls/employees are saying
"I don't really consider this too sexual," Bustare said. "I think it's fun and cute."
"Fun and cute" is how things like this continue to happen. It's not shown for what it is-- soft porn and exploiting yourself just to make money. Outside that coffee shop, your occupation would be labeled as something else.
GRR! This article made me so upset, as I'm sure you can tell. Porn makes my stomach turn, using sex to sell makes me feel ill, and women willingly allowing others to objectify me makes me absolutely furious! We need to be loving our girls and our women! We need to be telling them that their image and their bodies are their own and that God made them to be beautiful, not to be exploited for money and to be "cute." Men and women, but especially men, need to stand up to their fellow men and tell them what they are doing is wrong and hurtful to the women's souls, whether they realize it or not. The men tipping enough that baristas are going home with $100 cash a day are telling the girls that they are only as good as the amount of skin they'll show. Heartbreaking, absolutely heartbreaking!
Pray for these girls and for the men who are encouraging this kind of business to flourish. Hooters started out small and now are a well-known name around the country. This idea could spread, and that is unacceptable to me. We need to nip this in the bud. This cannot be an acceptable way to conduct business, let alone an acceptable way to treat and exploit your female employees.
Whew! I feel better now that I got all of that off my chest. I hope this angers enough people that something is done because of it. It's good that people get enraged, but it's doing something that matters. I doubt anyone from Washington reads my blogs, but if you do, I encourage you to empower your friends and family against this kind of behavior and support those coffee shops that are not lowering themselves to these kinds of practices. Take a stand against those coffee shops!


Holly said...


I know you wrote this quite a while ago, but I think that it is a great post! I totally am outraged with you! I can not believe that women would think that this is ok and acceptable. They are hurting themselves and are degrading their bodies. The men that come to see them practically naked serving coffee do not care about them. Men also are degrading their hearts and minds when they don't have real relationships.

Kate said...

Thanks! I'm glad to know this didn't frustrate only me! These girls and men do not realize what they are doing and the impact their actions have later down the line-- if they did, I doubt they'd even consider wearing what they wear, and going to those coffee shops.