Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Coming to terms with taking a "flying" leap of faith

So a question has been running through my mind the last month or so. As most of you know, I am contemplating moving to London in the very near future. As the time when it would be possible nears, I have started to question and doubt why I would. My biggest question has become: is going "just for the hell of it" a good enough reason to move across the ocean? I feel God calling me there, but I'm not at all certain why or when or for what greater purpose. It's an opportunity, is that good enough? I've researched places to work, organizations to be hired through, etc., and I have realized that it wouldn't be too difficult to find a job-- that would not be something that would hold me from going. But when I tell people why I'm leaving EVERYTHING behind, what do I say? Is "God's calling me there" enough as well? It seems like such a cliche, but it's true! And is the feeling that God is calling me there all that I need to start applying for visas and looking for houses? Or is there a time frame? Do I need to wait for God to write in the sky "GO!" before I move, or do I take his prompting and calling and pull as my writing in the sky? I wrote a post a while ago about when the future becomes the present and when we know when God isn't just putting something on our hearts, but actually telling us to get our asses off the couch and go... needless to say, I'm still struggling with this issue. I keep looking for signs, but I feel like that's all I see. Is that a sign in itself? My biggest fear is that I am hearing things wrong, or I am being too hasty in my actions. Well, that's what faith is all about, isn't it? I'm feeling more and more like I'll graduate in December and not too long after, I will on a plane with only my clothes and my passport and a visa (oh, and a husband!) and set out on the adventure of a lifetime! But we'll see... things can change in the blink of an eye! (the London Eye, that is ;-)


Unknown said...

the london eye is way cool, isn't that enough??? Not to mention as the cradle of the english civilisation blah blah blah...

David said...

I hear ya sista!
Well except for that 'husband' part.
I don't know much, but I am learning that as we move in the way we think God is leading us...it's enough. He directs our paths and fills in the gaps as we go. Wherever "Go" is.

Trust me, you won't miss it. Just the very fact that you desire to follow God means He won't let you miss it, if there is a 'miss it' to begin with.

Besides, you need to come with us because I owe Paul a beer and someone has to help with our kids. hehe.

Kate said...

Paul- my thoughts exactly

David- you're going to go to watch the kids while Mak and I go tour the city-- what a great guy you are ;-) (catch the sarcasm? cuz it's dripping with it!)

Unknown said...

ah-hem, HUSBAND?

On a different note, Are you ever a little concerned about identifying it as "God is calling me..."? I've seen a lot of people vveeerryyy disappointed when heading out with that as their impetus. Just a yellow flag, as "God's calling" can be so confusing and mis-identified. I've known far too many people who plunge in to something thinking it's a "God thing" and it's really just a desire. Which is ok. It's just a different expectation :)