Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Some Things to Appreicate about Jesus (and Me!)

Thanks to Makeesha for tagging me! :-)

5 things I dig about Jesus

1. His absolute understanding and grace for his very imperfect followers

2. That he could talk to so many different people on so many different levels

3. He wasn't stuck in tradition

4. He was a feminist

5. He partied and drank wine

8 things about me

1. I am addicted to watching crime shows-- I'm currently watching "Law and Order:SVU"

2. I love raspberry lemonade in the summer, oh and iced tea

3. I love movies... enough said!

4. I'm always cold--it's 90 degrees outside and I'm freezing! (stupid air conditioning!)

5. I LOVE good food-- I'm considered a "chow-hound"-- especially eating it with good friends and family!

6. I'm very organized and slightly OCD, yet I have a lot of clutter around my room... someone explain that to me

7. I could possibly get a social work job in the UK within the next year or so-- I'm scared sh*tless!

8. I cannot whisper... I start to and then end up talking in a regular voice... and then start laughing (which I do loud!)... and try to whisper again... vicious circle!


Makeesha said...

I can't believe I didn't put the feminist one for Jesus - - I'm slipping. hehe

oh, and thanks for getting me hooked on Closer, the first episode was killer.

I can't whisper either - AND, the sound of whispering is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

Unknown said...

UK, social work, scared shitless - do tell more???? :)