Don't Forget to Push Your Button
I guess I'm in a writing mood tonight! Anyway, there has been something I've been thinking about ever since I had a discussion about it with my wonderful sister last week (and it came up again when talking to a friend a few days later). We were talking about prayer and God answering prayer. My sister has a friend who told her that she believes God punished her by not getting a job because she didn't pray for it enough. What?! What sense does that make? Yeah, it's important to consult God about everything, but I don't believe God punishes you for not praying about it first and especially not praying about it enough! Yes, I believe God answers all prayer. However, the discussion was about if someone says they commit to pray about something or for someone every day, but forget to do it one day, will God still answer/bless the person/thing they were praying for? Will God not do something because we (as imperfect people) forget to pray?
I know there is the whole idea of asking for blessings and God not giving what isn't asked for. However, what about when it's something like blessing someone that day? Will God give them (even punish them with) a crappy day just because you didn't ask God to bless them? Or is it the thought that counts? God will do what He wants, and if including you in blessing someone or touching their life in some way, then so be it. But would God deliberately hold back a blessing because someone didn't ask it on behalf of someone else? Or would you not be influential and show God's love to someone if you didn't ask God to help you do so before you interacted with them? I believe God uses people where they are at, and that is not necessarily when you are kneeling by your bed to pray.
You see a coworker having a bad day and you go over and encourage them, maybe even pray for/with them. Would God not have you help that friend out if you hadn't prayed beforehand? Of course not! I think it is important to keep God in a constant dialogue, but I am the walking, talking example of how hard that is! However, God has used me in people's lives when I haven't specifically prayed for anyone, and even when I haven't read my Bible in a few days (it gets really hard being a college student... excuses, excuses, I know!). It's important and vital to pray, but I don't think God is as picky as only acting when you ask Him to. I think He's a little bit bigger than that! I am not saying people shouldn't pray for others, because I believe that is very important and can result in miracles! However, I am against putting God in a prayer box and thinking He only acts when we want Him to. God is so huge and incomprehensible and will do what He wants and will act within His perfect will for each and every person's life. God understands that we are imperfect and cannot always do what we say we will (especially when it involves doing something every day).
God is grace-- that's all it really comes down to. God is going to extend His grace to you and whoever/whatever you are praying for, so it is not our worry if they are going to be blessed by God. God will bless them if He wants to bless them that day. Our prayer for their blessing is acting in love and obedience towards God. If we fear that God is going to punish us or someone else because we didn't pray is telling God that we don't trust that he has everything under control. We are taking God's blessings into our own hands and are telling God how it should be done. It is also very selfish. Yes, it's important to pray for our friends and coworkers, but saying your actions are going to determine their days and lives is egotistical. God is bigger than us, and we have no control over God. We cannot tell Him what to do. We can only ask and wait patiently for the answer. Demanding God to do something seems pretty ridiculous if you ask me! God hears your prayers and hears your heart. He knows what is going on and He knows your deepest desires. He also knows what is best for you, and for your friends. Praying every day is not a "Bless Them" button we push every day. We especially do not have to fear God pushing the "Shitty Day" button because you didn't do our job and push our button. So continue to pray for blessings for others, but don't get too high and mighty about it and think God won't do it without your asking. Because He's higher and mightier than we could ever begin to imagine!